Just introduce
30 Agustus 2010 | vilnae
Holaaaa.... Halooo....
*dateng lambai" tangan ala miss unipers*
Ini Blog pertama saya lhoo.... ga ada yang tanya
dari kmaren post berita tapi nggak ngenalin diri dulu.. haha.. #plakk
oke. Sebenarnya saya buat blog ini adalah dikarenakan *cuih* tugas dari Guru TIK MAN 3 Malang. yang bernama Pak Gusty. *pada tahu kan*
Terus, nggak tahu kenapa jadi penasarran juga sama blog. ya sudah akhirnya jadilah blog ancur kayak begini.
Disini maunya sih nggak di isi tentang news news baru aja, tapi mau di tambahin lirik lagu, sama FF buatan saya. Biar nggak kayak koran yang isinya berita doang yang nge bosenin.
Ini saya ceritanya full colour jadi maaf kalo aneh... maav juga kalo blog ini isinya aneh, garing, ga seru, atau apalah.. namanya juga amatiran..
Udah deh saya nggak mau banyak bacot ntar dosa*?*
buat pengunjung blog, silahkan menikmati Blog geje saya.. Kalo mampir baca berita WAJIB AIN koment.
kalo nggak dosanya di tanggung sendiri.
sudah sudah.. sekian perkenalan atau tulisan ga jelas dari saya. Apabila ada salah kata saya mohon maav...
Aneyonghi giseyo.. :D
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2NE1 is now filming for their comeback MV
| vilnae
With girl group 2NE1’s title track confirmed, and with them having started the filming for their music

It has been said that on the afternoon of the 30th, 2NE1 commenced the shooting on the music video for their first full album’s title track, called, ‘Go Away‘, somewhere in Gangwon-Do province. The track ‘Go Away’ will be one of three title tracks for their upcoming album.
2NE1’s entertainment company YG Entertainment revealed during an interview with MoneyToday Star News, “This is the first time we are announcing one of 2NE1’s title tracks being ‘Go Away’. They are currently in the middle of filming for the music video of ‘Go Away’ with the famous director, Cha Eun Taek. They should be finished with filming by tomorrow (31st)”.
They continued, “Leader CL will change into a female car racer for the music video ‘Go Away’. We believe CL’s change in image will be a different kind of enjoyment for the fans.”
Lastly, YG’s side added, “2NE1’s first full album will have three title tracks, but the music videos for the two remaining songs will be directed by another famous director, Seo Hyun Seung.”
Source: Nate
sr: allkpop
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Jaejoong and Junsu to sing for ‘Sungkyunkwan Scandal’ OST
| vilnae
The much anticipated ‘Sungkyunkwan Scandal‘ starring TVXQ’s Micky Yoochun will have something else for us to look foward to.
To support their fellow group member, Jaejoong and Junsu have participated in the Sungkyunkwan Scandal’s OST. Representatives stated, “Jaejoong and Xiah Junsu have participated in the OST. The two of them will showcase their own colors through their different style of music. Jaejoong and Junsu have recorded one song each, but the title song for the drama has not been decided. Also, Micky Yoochun will not sing a solo song.”
Park Sung Il, the music PD, has praised Jaejoong and Junsu, saying, “Xiah Junsu sings very well naturally, and Youngwoong Jaejoong is getting the chance to rediscover himself through the songs. They sing surprisingly well for idol singers.”
The trio has shown a special friendship, which garnered the attention of many fans. Especially, Xiah Junsu, who brought chicken for the entire staff during filming, showing his loyalty to Yoochun.
‘Sungkyunkwan Scandal’ marks Yoochun’s acting debut, and the story revolves around four youths who attend Sungkyunkwan University. This drama will air on August 30th through KBS.
sr: allkpop
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f(x)’s Amber alert: where in the world is she?
29 Agustus 2010 | vilnae
The boyish charisma of Amber has been acutely missed by f(x) fans, many of whom have started to become inquisitive about her absence from the group’s public appearances. Amber was forced to withdraw prematurely from the NU ABO promotions due to an injury, yet she was scheduled to return in time for the SMTOWN LIVE ’10 event on the 21st. The event came and went, as did a promotional photoshoot with f(x) fans, but Amber was nowhere to be found.
Last month, an official SM Entertainment press release was quick to assure fans that Amber’s continued absence was the result of receiving treatment back in the United States, but some fans remain skeptical.
The apprehension about Amber’s status recently escalated into resentful fury when the September issue of ‘W’ magazine featured only three out of the five f(x) members. f(x) lead vocalist Krystal was quoted as saying, “(T)he members are concentrating on solo activities. We are preparing for a new album, so please look out for us.”
Netizens dissatisfied with SM Entertainment’s continued silence on Amber’s status has left them fearing the worst: “Did Amber leave f(x)?”
For now, concerned supporters can savor a little drop of comfort. Running into Amber in Los Angeles, a fan timidly asked her if she was returning to Korea soon. Reassuringly, Amber confirmed yes. It’s been said that she is currently enjoying an extended personal vacation back home. We can only hope to hear from our favorite tomboy soon.
Indonesian translate:
Karisma kekanak-kanakan dari Amber telah benar-benar terjawab oleh f (x) fans, banyak di antaranya telah mulai menjadi ingin tahu tentang ketidakhadirannya dari penampilan publik grup. Amber terpaksa menarik diri sebelum waktunya dari promosi ABO NU karena cedera, namun ia dijadwalkan kembali dalam waktu untuk SMTown LIVE '10 acara pada tanggal 21. Acara ini datang dan pergi, seperti melakukan pemotretan promosi dengan f (x) fans, tetapi Amber itu tidak bisa ditemukan.
Bulan lalu, seorang pejabat SM press release Hiburan yang cepat untuk meyakinkan penggemar bahwa tidak ada lanjutan Amber adalah hasil dari menerima pengobatan kembali ke Amerika Serikat, tapi beberapa fans tetap skeptis.
Pengertian tentang status Amber baru-baru ini meningkat menjadi marah marah ketika edisi September majalah W 'fitur hanya tiga dari lima f (x) anggota. f (x vokalis) Krystal memimpin dikutip mengatakan, "(T) dia anggota berkonsentrasi pada solo kegiatan. Kami sedang mempersiapkan untuk album baru, jadi harap melihat keluar untuk kami. "
Netizens puas dengan keheningan lanjutan SM Entertainment status Amber telah meninggalkan mereka takut yang terburuk: "Apakah Amber meninggalkan f (x)?"
Untuk saat ini, pendukung yang bersangkutan dapat menikmati sedikit penurunan kenyamanan. Menjalankan ke Amber di Los Angeles, kipas angin takut-takut bertanya apakah ia segera kembali ke Korea. Meyakinkan, Amber dikonfirmasi ya. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa ia saat ini menikmati sebuah rumah liburan kembali diperpanjang pribadi. Kita hanya bisa berharap untuk mendengar dari tomboi favorit kami secepatnya.
Sources: Tvdaily.co.kr, newsen.com, W (Korea) magazine
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Jung Yonghwa gets jealous seeing Seohyun with Jungshin
| vilnae
Make-percaya pasangan, Jung dan Yong Hwa Seohyun, memutuskan untuk mengunjungi asrama CNBLUE di episode 28 Agustus tentang Kami Got Married sebagai hadiah kecil untuk tiga anak laki-laki di band.
Jungshin, pemain bass di CNBLUE, meminta Seohyun untuk membuat makanan bagi anggota lapar. Sudah siap, Seohyun senang hati menerima kebaikan dan mulai memasak spaghetti krim tanda tangan dan semua orang pergi berbelanja bersama-sama untuk bahan. Setelah belanja, Jungshin kemudian secara sukarela membantu dengan masakannya.
Suasana antara Jungshin dan Seohyun mulai mendapatkan sedikit romantis, melepaskan kecemburuan batin dalam Yonghwa. Kesal "percintaan mereka," teriak Yonghwa untuk Seohyun, "Lihat apa yang dikatakannya Jungshin dan menceritakan semuanya bahwa dia memberitahu Anda."
Hubungan keduanya adalah pasti akan kuat menurut pendapat saya, dan saya pribadi pikir itu hanya masalah waktu sebelum mereka menjadi Jo berikutnya Kwon dan Ga-in.
check videonya di sini
dan disini
sr: allkpop
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JYJ Released Their Very First PV as a Trio
28 Agustus 2010 | vilnae
Former DBSK members Junsu, Jaejoong and Yuchun are still fighting and flying high with there newest or I must say, very first Mini Album as a trio called "The...". Though we all now what happened to them, these three guys never lose hope.
I am actually expecting much for the PV but the music video for this song is simply a recording from their Thanksgiving Live In Dome concert. But I must say, I can really feel the intensity of the song. It's is a ballad one and it is really nice.
The Mini Album will be released on September 8, 2010. Here's Itsudatte Kimi ni:
Also, JYJ needs our support as Jaejoong says "Please Support Us Forever" on their "Thanksgiving Movie Live at the Dome".
sr: soompi
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YongSeo Couple To Perform As A Band
| vilnae
Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun of CNBLUE and Girls’ Generation, respectively, who are virtually married on MBC’s ‘We Got Married,’ have collaborated to form a band. According to the concert’s management company, HH Company, Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun of ‘YongSeo Couple’ will be performing together on the 29th at the ‘Incheon Korean Music Wave 2010 Concert.’ The two will be presenting two songs, one of Girls’ Generation and of CNBLUE. It has been rumored that the rest of the CNBLUE members have voluntarily put in their greatest efforts in practicing and preparing for this concert.
Netizens who came upon this news have shown exceptional interest with comments such as, “I’m already looking forward to it,” “The stage will really shine if they perform together,” “They suit each other very well,” and “I’m excited to see what kind of performance they’ve prepared.”
Aside from Girls’ Generation and CNBLUE, singers including BoA, Se7en, Super Junior, Taeyang, 2PM, Kara, After School, SG Wannabe, as well as others, will be participating. The concert will be airing on MBC’s Music Core on Saturday, September 4th.
sr: soompi
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Another chance for free tickets to SM TOWN LIVE ‘10!
25 Agustus 2010 | vilnae
As you guys know, we already gave away 2 pairs of tickets to this years SM TOWN LIVE ‘10 in Los Angeles, CA last week.
Well, our partners over at YesAsia/YesStyle have given us some extra pairs of tickets to give out to only allkpop readers!
We’ve got the following:
- 1 pair of VIP concert tickets
- 3 pairs of regular concert tickets
- 1 pair of VIP after party tickets
- 2 pairs of regular after party tickets
As for the after party, the SM artists who will be attending are a secret!
To win these tickets, leave a comment below and make sure to follow both YesStyle and allkpop on both Twitter and Facebook.
We will be announcing the 7 lucky winners tomorrow and they will need to respond within 24 hours!
After party ticket winners must be 21+, so please specify if you are 21+ in your comment.
sr: allkpop
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Co-ed to produce debut MV in 3D
| vilnae
Having introduced the 10 members of Co-ed, it has been revealed that the debut title track of the group’s music video will be produced in 3D!
Co-ed’s agency Core Contents Media stated, “Co-ed’s debut MV will be produced in 3D. It will be first revealed through a preview on September 27th through Mega Box movie theatre.”
The music video will approximately be eight minutes long, and Co-ed will be the first group of artists from CCM to debut with a 3D music video.
Meanwhile, Co-ed is scheduled to debut around the end of September.
sr: allkpop
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